As field and office veterans of many facets of the oil and gas industry, CBW management understands the importance of technical qualifications, logistical planning skills, safety mindset and personnel management skills required in today’s well-site managers and engineering consultants.

Well site Supervision and Engineering support years of individual operational experience and a broad range of industry contacts which has enabled CBW to develop and draw from a roster of select, experienced, qualified and certified well-site supervisory personnel and office engineers.

CBW makes every effort to match the appropriate personality, technical skill set and experience to the specific operational requirements of the operator. CBW looks for a solid past performance, the ability to deal with challenges and effectively manage the well-site. CBW has often vetted supervisors by first putting them into play on one of our many ongoing in house projects. Those unable to work with our drilling and completions management teams in house will not be offered to our clientele. CBW has a broad base of contacts among domestic and international well-site supervisors and specialized personnel.

In today’s industry, CBW recognizes the need for resourceful young people with solid grounding from on the job experience and formal training to enter the ranks of professional supervisory level roles. CBW believes in mentoring by seasoned, proven professional well site supervisors to assist those who one day soon will be managing and operating our industry.

Let us help your operation source consultants well matched to your specific needs. CBW is not an enormous entity and would rather say we were unable to provide the very best individual than risk sending someone who did not fit the bill.